We are blessed to have a growing community that inspires us with meaningful achievements, experiences, perspectives, and stories to share. We relish connecting to those that live, what we define, an XACTLYlife. A person that ACT's, moves, helps, pursues a life of mental, physical balance and purpose driven contributions. We enjoy sharing what inspires us... Ethan inspires us.
Ethan Kalishman is a future student at Hamilton College and is already an accomplished Writer, Tennis Athlete, Editor-in-Chief of The World (school newspaper), Environmentalist, Advocate, and advisory partner to XACTLY. Ethan is our future…
5 Tips to Achieve an XACTLY Life during COVID-19
During these unsettling times, we may find unexpected challenges thrown in front us, but in whatever way someone may be struggling, COVID-19 has distinctly brought forth a sense of unity. Everyone is hurting because all of our lives have become fundamentally thrown into chaotic change. To better our mental/physical health, and thus, improve our circumstances, consider adopting some of the following actions and mentalities. You may find yourself forging your own XACTLY life in the process.
Accept this new world as a reality.
- Understand that society has changed and will remain in a fluctuating state for an uncertain amount of time. Recognize that this virus is a real, dangerous and presentable risk to millions of people. Most importantly, realize that many individual problems have transformed into shared issues, and each action taken by one person can have more profound effects on others (e.g. contact with one person could harm their potentially immunocompromised co-inhabitants).
Commit to changing your behavior as necessary for the greater good.
- . Of course, to protect yourself and others, sanitization, social distancing and donning masks must be noted as significant, but they don’t negate the impact of your decision to leave the home. Be sure to contemplate if what you do beyond your home will benefit or hurt loved ones and strangers. In that case, brainstorming alternative options to what you’re used to doing may prove as useful. Being more intentional in this way may lead you to rediscover your priorities in this pandemic-ridden world.
Find a new purpose.
- . Even in a pre-virus life, there’s a value of feeling fulfilled by a sort of action. When my final semester of school got “cancelled” and I lost my summer job, I lost what was my “purpose.” No more classes, extracurriculars and in-person socialization. Therefore, until we return to normalcy, I’ve taken a job as a food courier so that others can safely stay safe in their homes while getting the food that they need. I also can still add some money to my name before college. Knowing that I can contribute to the well-being of other people is my reason for getting out of bed each morning.
Adopt a physical outlet.
- . The benefits of exercise are already clear, but it’s imperative to stay active for reasons due to the virus alone. For example, cardio can deeply improve susceptible body parts to the virus, like the lungs. Plus, regardless of whether or not you’re into jogging or yoga, being in an outdoor environment can disrupt the monotony of quarantine, providing a much-needed psychological break from your bedroom. Take time to form a new habit in whatever fresh air you can access, and I promise that it’ll be worth it.
Create a place of solace for when the times are rough.
- . Personally, I've found tranquility in my daily rides around my city as a food courier. There’s a special feeling that comes to me when I’m cruising down an empty highway with my favorite music blasting from my speakers. Where can you leave and be safe when you encounter toxicity?

I would argue that nobody can predict what the future will bring since we've never before had a situation in the world that completely resembles this year. Still, even with this incredible uncertainty, we can control some integral elements of our lives. As subsequent moments pass, approach each situation that comes your way step-by-step, and take charge of what is feasible. Maintain hope that all will turn out okay and remember that you have at least one community from XACTLY here to support you in these troubling times.
Ethan Kalishman